Tuition Payment Deadlines
Payments for tuition, if applicable, are due on the 30th of each quarter/term if paying quarterly and on the 10th of each month if paying monthly. Listed below are the initial deadlines for each quarter/term regardless of when registration occurs.
Quarter | Payment Deadlines | Payment Deadlines |
Monthly | Quarterly | |
Summer | July 20 | July 30 |
Aug. 20 | ||
Sept. 20 | ||
Fall | Oct. 20 | Oct. 30 |
Nov. 20 | ||
Dec. 20 | ||
Winter | Jan. 20 | Jan. 30 |
Feb. 20 | ||
Mar. 20 | ||
Spring | Apr. 20 | April 30 |
May 20 | ||
June 15 |
Payment Plan
Students may enroll into monthly or quarterly payment plans. Students can enroll by contacting Student Accounts. Payment Plans are not available online currently
Paying Your Bill
Students have the ability to make payments on their student account online, through the mail, or in person in our office. All payments must be in U.S. currency.
- Login to
- Click on “Tools” on the Navigation bar
- Click on “Balances”
- Click on “Activity details”
If you are an Authorized User
- Login to
- Click on “Tools” on the Navigation bar
- Click on “Balances”
- Under “my account”, select “Send a payer invitation”
Fill out form with the necessary information and submit
Make check or money order payable to University of the Pacific and send to:
University of the Pacific
Attn: Student Accounts
155 Fifth St.
San Francisco, CA 94103
Please include student's full name and University ID# on the memo line at the bottom of the check/money order
In Person:
Cash, checks, credit card, cashier's checks, and money orders are accepted at the Business Office located on the 4th Floor of the San Francisco campus building.
Billing Statements
Pacific processes billing statements electronically on a monthly basis. The electronic bill will reflect charges and credits applied to a student's account as of the date the bill was created. Students and Authorized Users will receive an email notification when their statement is ready for viewing.
Requesting a Refund
When a student account has a credit balance where payments and credits exceed the total amount due, the student will receive a refund upon request. Students may request refunds by email, over the phone, or in-person. Refunds are issued on a weekly basis.
Refunds will NOT be granted based on "anticipated" aid. All financial aid must be disbursed on the student's account before a refund is processed.
Direct Deposit
Direct Deposit is the fastest most secure way to receive a refund. Refunds will be directly deposited into the checking or savings account and financial institution of choice without having to wait for the check to arrive in the mail.
To set up a direct deposit, students must turn in a completed direct deposit form (pdf) to Student Accounts. Refunds to third parties, including parents, are not eligible for Direct Deposit.
Once Direct Deposit is set up, students will need to contact Student Accounts to request their refund.
Download the Direct Deposit form (pdf)
Refunds by Mail
A student can also request to receive a refund by mail as long as the correct mailing information is provided.
Title IV Authorization to Release Non-Institutional Charges
As defined by the U.S. Department of Education, federal student financial aid can only cover institutional charges. This definition includes current year charges for tuition and fees, and off-campus housing.
Unless authorization is received, federal financial aid CANNOT be used to cover non-institutional charges such as:
- Health insurance
- Returned check fees
- Any fees not directly related to taking a class
The only way federal student aid funds can be used to pay for non-institutional charges is to obtain written authorization
Title IV funds include Grad Plus, and, Stafford Loan (Subsidized and Unsubsidized)
Dropping Courses/Withdrawing from Pacific
Informing an academic department, advisor, or instructor does NOT constitute an official drop of a course or withdrawal from the University. Students who intend to withdraw must notify the Academic Affairs Department.
University Fees
The Wellness Center fees are non-refundable. The Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP) is not refundable after 30 days from the start of the term and is not refundable if a claim has been filed.
Tuition and Student Fees
Prior to matriculation: full credit less the enrollment fee.
After matriculation: credit prorated according to calendar days after reduction by the enrollment fee
After first day of class, second through final quarters: credit prorated according to calendar days as follows:
Official Notification from the University of withdrawal/or dismissal
Timeframe | Percentage of Refund |
Before classes | 100% Refund |
1st day through 7th day | 80% Refund |
8th through 14th day | 60% Refund |
15th through 25th day | 40% Refund |
26th through 35th day | 20% Refund |
After 35th day | No Refund |
Dental Kit
1st/2nd Year DDS students, and 1st Year IDS students will be responsible for the full cost of their student dental kit regardless of academic status with the Dental School per the dental kit agreement the student signs upon admission into the Dental School.
Financial Aid and Refunds
If the withdrawing student is a financial aid recipient, the student’s financial aid award will be adjusted according to federal and state regulations and University policy.
Protect Your Education Investment with the Tuition Protection Insurance Plan
Each year, thousands of students nationwide face the difficult decision of whether to withdraw when something unexpected happens. Many get only a partial refund of tuition and fees. Some get nothing.
The Tuition Protection Plan was designed with students and their families in mind. It can reimburse tuition payments, room and board fees and other non-refundable college expenses if a student needs to withdraw any time during the semester for any covered reason such as illness, injury, or psychological condition.
Learn more at or call 1.866.724.4384.
Student Accounts: Robert Kim
Phone: 415.929.6653
Office Hours: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday
Location: Fourth Floor